The red claw crabs are known as Perisesarma Bidens. Originally, according to Wikipedia, they are from the Indo-Pacific region from Zanzivar to Japan. Red claw crab has gained popularity as a pet. Honestly, they are famous because of their vibrant color and interesting behavior.

In today’s blog post, we will take a closer look at the Red claw crab. Also, we will explore their habitat, tank setup, and more.
Understanding The Red Claw Crabs Natural Habitat
They make their homes in ecosystems abundant with life. Mainly they prefer an environment where land meets water. They are not fully freshwater species. The presence of dense vegetation and ample hiding spots is important for them. In natural life, they adopt the role of scavengers. So, their diet spans algae, decaying plant matter, small species, etc.
Frankly, their behavior showcases their adaptability and crucial role in the ecosystem.
Red claw crabs are interesting crustaceans. Their main body part is neutral. But It’s usually brown and has spots. Also, you can see some large patches of dark black on the top of their head. They have antennae that look like eyes on the corner of their heads. However, they are known for their very beautiful red claws.
They have a total of 10 legs. But there is a difference between male and female. A male crab claw is thicker than a female one. Also, the male flap is triangle but the female flap is broad and round.

Size and Lifespan
Based on Wikipedia their legs span up to 4 inches (10 cm). And their carapace length is usually 2 inches (5 cm).
Their lifespan in captivity with good care and environment they can live up to 2 to 2.5 years.
Red Claw Crab Care
For their good care, you need to create a good environment. So, you need to mimic their natural life in captivity. For their proper care, you should follow some steps. Here they are-
1. Choose a Tank
Firstly, setting up a tank for them is necessary. The volume you choose depends on the number of crabs. You can choose from 5 to 20 gallons. But A 5-gallon is small for them. Because they need ample space to explore. So, A 10-gallon is suitable for a single male and a couple of females.
Also, A 20-gallon tank is best because you can keep a couple of them together. This space gives them ample space to swim, explore, and burrow.
Know detailed about red claw crab tank setup

2. Water Parameters
Maintaining the parameters is important for their living. Originally, they were found in mangrove swamps around the coasts. So, the water in the tank should be alkaline and brackish. The water parameters are below-
- Water Hardness- 8 to 25 dGH
- Water Temperature- 72°F-82°F
- PH level- 7.5-8.5
- Gravity- 1.005
3. Prepare The Brackish Water
The red claw crabs are not fully freshwater. They need brackish water. So, to make brackish water mix 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. The water temperature needs to be 72 °F to 82°F. And then mix it in the tank. Use marine salt to make brackish water.
4. Prepare Land For Them
Red claw crabs require land and water both. So, use sand as a land. Sand is best for them because they like to dig and burrow. Keep the ratio around 3 to 1.
5. Add Decor In The Tank
They need an area above the waterline. So, you can use decorations for them. Add rock, and pebbles to the bottom of the tank. Make space for hiding, climbing, and digging. Also, you can use slopes, plants, driftwood, PVC pipes, etc.

6. Use Aquarium Filter, Heater and Thermometer
To keep your tank clean, oxygenated, and warm you need some tools. So, use a filtration system to clean the water. Also, use a heater to warm the water. To oxygenate the tank, you should use a thermometer.
7. Lighting
To expose your red claw crab you need light in the tank. Red claw crabs are nocturnal but they need light in summer and winter.
Maintenance Of The Tank
Always maintain your crab’s surroundings. For that, you should keep in mind a few things.
- Use a lid in the tank for crab safety. Because if the tank is open they can escape.
- Always make sure the tank is not clogged.
- Check the water parameters regularly.
- Clean the water in the tank weekly. But if you use a filter then change the water in a month. Changing water dilutes the nitrates and ammonia in the tank.
- Clean your filter every 1-2 months.
- Clean the uneaten food daily. As they can pollute the water.
Diet and Food
Red claw crabs are omnivores. So, they can accept anything you can give them. But for their healthy life give food containing protein and minerals. To mimic their natural diet offer them a mix of algae wafers and sinking pellets. For animal components of their diet, you can consider giving them brine shrimp, blood worms, fish, etc.
Also, give vegetables like zucchini, carrot, spinach, etc to provide nutrients. Always monitor their food quantity. Because excess food pollutes water and leads to health problems for them.
Common Diseases and How to Prevent Them
To maintain their health they need good living conditions. Issues like shell rot and bacterial infection can happen. Parasitic infection also can occur as well. But all of them can be prevented. Monitoring the tank environment closely and regular water changes can help you to avoid the disease.
They need a proper diet. Because lack of nutrients causes disease for them. Environmental enrichment is also very important. Providing ample space for hiding an explorer can help to reduce stress. So, give your Red claw crab the best life that they deserve as a pet.
In the tank, it is not good to have multiple males together. As they can fight. So you can have one male and multiple females together. Also, choose fish who are peaceful and fast swimmers. Because slow-moving fish can be preyed on by red claw crabs. Fast-moving fish are good to stick on the top of the aquarium.
Fish like Mollies, Guppies, and Flagfish can do well as tank mates. Always make sure the tank mate you choose can tolerate the environmental conditions.
Wrap Up
Red claw crabs are very good pets to keep.
You just need to care for them carefully. Also, give them fine surroundings to live happily. Hope this article will help you to find good information about red claw crabs.