The red claw crab tank setup exclusive guide is here! Usually, the red-clawed crabs are relatively easy for beginner pet owners. But they require a safe, enclosed space in which they live and grow. So, if you are considering setting up a tank for red crabs but do not know how to do it, we are here to help.

With a few careful steps and thoughtful planning, you can create a safe living environment. This can help to keep your red crabs happy and healthy in the tank. There are large aquarists who get a little nervous about the red claw crab tank setup process. But in my opinion, it is quite easy for anyone who has kept their tanks before.
In this guide, we will provide step by step guide to setting up red-clawed crab tanks. So you need to learn what it takes to create and maintain their tank, step by step.
Red Claw Crab Tank Setup
Typically, having a secure tank with an appropriate size is crucial for the red claw crab’s health and well-being. So it is very important to set up the tanks for red-clawed crabs to maintain all the steps properly. Below, I am providing the setup process you need to follow:
- Purchasing The Tank
Before the red claw crab tank is set up, you should need to purchase the tank. So determine the tank size for your red-claw crab that you will need. Usually, the most likely tank is between 10 and 30 gallons. However, the volume you choose will depend on the size of the crab and their size. In addition, an overcrowded tank can lead to stress and disease in a crab. So it is recommended that there be no more than one crab per square foot in the tank.

- Adding A Lid To The Tank
As crabs like to climb, they should need a secure lid in the tank. However, the lid will prevent the crabs from escaping the tank.
- Include The Necessary Tools
To complete the red claw crab tank setup process, you should need to add an aquarium filter, air stones, a heater and a thermometer. These tools can help to keep your crab tank warm, clean and oxygenated. But before buying these tools, it is very important to ensure they are compatible with your tank. Whether a wide range of tanks comes with some attached tools or not all.
- Make Sure You Have UVB Light
Usually, the red claw crabs are nocturnal. But they require 10 to 12 hours of daylight during the summertime. Besides, there are 8 to 10 hours of daylight during the winter months. So get a UVB light for crabs to stay healthy.
- Place The Tank In A Well-lit Area
Now, you should set the tank in a well-lit area. This lit area includes areas near a window or other light source. This can help the mini crabs stay healthy and active.
- Creating A Mounded Surface
Then create a mounded surface for the red claw crab tank setup. While these crabs are aquatic, they do breathe air. This means they will require high areas above the water line. They can reach them by walking or climbing. Whatever, you can create this surface with some decor items. Also, add a ramp for this specific purpose. Now add the remaining decor items.

- Adding The Decor Items To The Tank
Also, put the pebbles at the bottom of the tank. Besides, layer on the hideaways and plants. But it is very important to remember that hiding space makes the crab feel secure. So place them in accessible spots. In addition, the red crabs usually like to climb, hide and dig. In this situation, you should need to provide them with some items as they interact with them. Some of them are:
- Driftwood
- Slopes
- Plants
- Sand
- Rocks
- Pebblesbbeles
- Fill The Tank With Brackish Water
Though the red claw crabs are freshwater creatures, they thrive in lightly salted water. So fill the tank with room temperature brackish water. Additionally, add 1 teaspoon of sea salt per 1 litre of water that is 72-82°F.
Maintaining The Red Claw Crab’s Tank
- Daily Performance Check
Ensure that the tank is properly clean, warm and oxygenated, and check the daily performance. To do this, you will need to conduct daily tests such as:
- To ensure there is no blockage in the filter.
- By using the thermometer, be sure that the water temperature is 72-82°F.
- Also, check the tubing damage.

- Weekly Testing The Water Quality
To ensure that your crab is good in the tank, a weekly test on the water quality is recommended. But to check the water quality, you will need to use a test kit. The pH level for red claw crabs should be between 7.5 and 8.5. However, you can get a test kit from a pet care store.
- Changing The Water In The Tank
On a biweekly or monthly basis, change 10-25% of the water in the red claw crab tank. By doing that, you will dilute the nitrates in the water. As well as remove other toxins that can build up in the tank. Moreover, use a vessel like a large cup or small bucket to scoop out the old water. Besides, add an equal volume of new tap water to the tank.
- Clean The Filter
While your filter may be mechanical or biological, it will need to be cleaned every 1 or 2 months. However, it depends on the kind of filter you are using. The cleaning process will likely involve rinsing the sponge or pads and scrubbing the tubes and casing. Moreover, the specific cleaning instructions for your filter will be included in the owner’s manual.
- Tank Lids Should Be Checked
The red claw crabs are quite capable of escaping through the holes in the lid with their climbing capabilities. So check the holes in the tank lid and repair them if there are any holes in the tank.
Factors That Should Be Considered Before The Red Claw Crab Tank Setup
- Optimum Tank Size
For a female crab and a single male crab, the ideal tank size is 10 gallons. But sometimes it depends on how many crabs you keep. Although these red crabs are modest in size, they require a large amount of room to move.
- Filter Type
In a red claw crab tank, effective filtration is required, which is appreciated for the tank size. Because it can readily make its way into an internal filtering system. Also, the flow of water is coming and going.
- Substrate
Sand is the perfect substitute for crabs. Because they enjoy digging, scavenging and burrowing. Whether in a regular tank, you can design a unique floating perch.
Read, if you want to know what animals can live with red claw crabs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are red claw crab tank setups hard?
Setting up a red claw crab tank is not very hard if you know the process. If you do not know the process, it is a little bit hard. So it is very important to learn about their tank setup to do well.
What do red crabs require in their tank?
To keep red crabs in the tank, they need sand substrate. So that they can burrow and forage undisturbed. It also added comfort to have a floating platform within the aquarium.
Where do red-clawed crabs live?
Typically, these crabs can survive in freshwater. However, they thrive, so they require brackish water.