The panther crab, also known as Parathelphusa panthernia, is a fascinating animal for a home aquarium. Typically, they originate from Indonesia and were officially named in 1902. It is one of the crabs that can live fully immersed in fresh water at all times so that they can be kept in a freshwater aquarium.

To thrive in captivity, these crabs require a moderate amount of background knowledge. However, with the right attention to detail, new crab owners can learn how to keep and care for these beautiful species.
To get more background details on these creatures, I will go over everything you require to keep panther crabs in the aquarium.
What is a panther crab?
The panther crab is an attractive type of crab that is also referred to as a house leopard crab. Their appealing look, like red-tipped legs, differentiates them from other crabs. So they earned their nickname as leopard crabs too.
Usually, they spend their time in freshwater, which makes them a good pick for both beginner and experienced crab aquarists. However, its native habitat has molded its one-of-a-kind traits and behavior. In addition, when panther crabs reach full size in captivity, they can be up to 5 inches long.

Scientific Classification of Panther Crabs
- Scientific name: Parathelphus panthernia
- Common name: Panther Crab
- Family: Gecarcinucidae
- Origin: Indonesia, Sulawesi
Quick Fact About the Panther Crabs
- Temperament: Semi-aggressive
- Diet: Omnivore
- Keeping: Easy
- Type: Fully aquatic crabs
- Breeding: Difficult
- Size of the carapace: 4 – 7 cm
- Size across the legs span: 7 – 12cm
- Optimal Temperature: 26 – 30°C
- Tank Size: 20 Gallons for one crab
- Water Type: Freshwater
- Optimal pH: 7.5- 8.5
- Optimal KH: 4- 12
- Nitrate: Less than 20ppm
- Life Span: Upto 10 years
- Color: Yellow and light orange with brown spots
- Other Name: Leopard Crab
Panther Crab’s Overview & Interesting Facts
Leopard crabs are nocturnal, which means that they are active at night. At this time, they will do most of their scavenging for food. But they learn your specific feeding routine over time.
With dedicated care, they can make a wonderful pet. But it is very important to note that they have a somewhat aggressive temperament. So be careful if you plan to keep multiple crabs in the same aquarium. Moreover, these crabs require a lot of space to cut down on their temperament.

Natural Habitat
The leopard crab lives in the depths of Lake Matano on Sulawesi Island. Among the many aquatic creatures that call it home. So it is very important to ensure optimal care for your panther carbs and replicate the atmosphere as closely as possible. Also provides warmth and a soft sand substrate.
If you do that, they will be able to understand everything necessary at hand just back in their wild habitat.
Undoubtedly, panther crabs are captivating. Their dark brown, covered in white and yellow leopard-look-like markings resembling those of a leopard crab. However, each of the captivating creatures has ten legs along with large claws.
These claws are very useful for scavenging and defending themselves when required. Finally, seeing one panther crab creates an unforgettable sight to behold. Their extra charm and delicate limes make them perfect for any aquarium display.
Among the other crabs, these crabs are omnivores. This means they eat a widely varied diet. They consume leftover scraps of food as well as algae and detritus. This can help make them great janitors.
Usually, you can buy treats like frozen shrimp, shrimp pills, flakes, algae wafers and supplements. Though they like a variety of foods, carrots, cucumber slices and zucchini will be a great choice to feed them.
Average size
In the freshwater crab species, leopard crabs are one of the larger species. Usually, they are capable of achieving up to 5 inches in length. Their impressive size makes them desirable traits for those searching to have these captivating creatures as pets, among others. But if you want to keep your home, it is highly recommended that they have a large space.
The typical lifespan of these crabs is 3 to 5 years. But if you give them appreciative care and a healthy lifestyle, they can reach their fullest potential lifespan of up to 10 years.
Panther crabs can be very difficult to breed. The reason is their territorial nature. So it is very important to maintain a good ratio of males and females for their safety. Usually, these crabs become mature when they are about 5 cm long.
If you are looking to breed these crabs, keeping an extremely clean tank is very crucial. This can help to minimise the opportunity for opportunistic bacteria to grow.

How to care for panther crab
To take care of your panther pet crabs, you need to provide for their basic needs. This can help to create a comfortable tank that replicates their natural habitat. With an appreciated diet plan and monitoring water parameters, you can take care of them. Here is the caring step we are discussing right now:
Tank setup
When setting up tanks for these crabs, the best option is to create an environment replicating their natural habitat. However, it is important to make sure the minimum tank size is 20 gallons for each crab.
Water parameters
Another step is maintaining proper water parameters for their health. However, the best environment for them is a pH between 7.5 and 8.5. Hardness levels are between 5 and 8 dKH. Besides, the temperature range is 76 to 82 °F.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do panther crabs need calcium?
Yes, they require calcium to mineralize the shell. These minerals are the key to the molting process because they help harden the shell and protect it.
Is a leopard crab plant safe?
Typically, leopard crabs view the plant as a portion of food. Also, they are highly skilled at uprooting the plants. However, they are not destructive like crayfish, so there is a chance that you will leave them alone with a few plants. But use floating plants.
Who are the suitable tankmates for a panther crab?
Keeping multiple animals in the same tank is very risky, especially with the Leo crab. Because they are territorial. But if you want to do that, try keeping small fish and shrimp together in the same tank.
What sizes of aquariums do they need?
The minimum tank size is 20 gallons for 1 crab. For a large territory, it provides plenty of space.
To Sum Up
Finally, we have to find that panther crabs can be more challenging than other crabs to raise in captivity. But they can make a fantastic addition to home aquariums. Whatever, with a little bit of research and resources, anyone can recreate the ideal conditions for these crabs to thrive in their house.
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