The orchid vampire crab, also known as the geosesarma dennerle, is a unique and fascinating pet. It adds an alluring touch to any home. However, this stunning crab is best kept in a paludarium because it is a specialised enclosure that provides both aquatic and terrestrial areas for the crab to thrive. Besides, it has a striking color and an interesting habitat that make it sure to be a conversation starter.

Usually, they are very active and intuitive and are compared to the smallest crabs and will eat many kinds of foods. But the most important part is that if you want to do one for yourself, there are a few things you should know first. Don’t worry about that; we have got you covered. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about the care of Geosesarma SB.
What is an orchid vampire crab?
An orchid vampire crab is a semi-territorial species that is beautifully marked. Typically, the crab is communal with its species. This can help make it an excellent choice for the paludarium. Also nano-sized enclosures. The Geosesarma sb are native to Java, Indonesia. Besides, it inhabits forest areas near rivers, streams and ponds.
When it molts, the species spends most of its time on land but often submerges in freshwater. In general, Male crabs are typically bigger than female crabs. Also, males have much larger claws. Among the other crabs, the orchid crabs require plenty of covers, especially when they are molting. So lots of decor is necessary for their care.

Scientific Classification of Orchid Vampire Crab
- Scientific Name: Geosesarma dennerle
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Malacostraca
- Order: Decapoda
- Suborder: Pleocyemata
- Family: Sesarmidae
Quick Overview of Orchid Vampire Crab
- Name: Orchid Vampire Crab
- Type: Semi-terrestrial
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 Gallon
- Diet: Omnivore
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Keeping: Very easy
- Breeding: Very difficult
- Optimal Temperature: 24–28°C
- Aqurium Type: Paludarium
- Lifespan: Upto 2 years
- Common Name: Geosesarma sb, Vampire
Interesting Facts About Orchid Vampire Crab
Without a doubt, the most interesting thing about the vampire orchid crabs appearance. Their profile is similar to that of the other small crabs. Usually, they have a total of ten legs, including their two big pinchers. Their claws are quite small and don’t open up very wide so you can handle them without having to worry about pinching. Their bodies are covered with carapace, which is their main body and is only about an inch wide.
Behavior and Temperament
The orchid vampire crabs have interesting behavior. Generally, they are peaceful among the other crabs. Whether they are largely nocturnal and spend most of their time hiding away from the light. Besides, they are truly active when the sun goes down. They will spend their time on land and water. Throughout their lives, several times they are molt.

Food and Diet
The Geosesarma SB are not picky eaters. Usually, they are natural omnivores that usually take what they can get in the wild. In their natural habitat, the main food choices are insects and plant detritus. Also, they do fine with brine shrimp, larvae, earthworms and bloodworms. Besides, they can also take dry commercial foods. To ensure their good health, it is recommended that they provide some calcium-rich food as well. These foods include peas, broccoli, and spinach.
The Geosesarma dennerle has a hard exoskeleton that protects its internal organs. To grow, they have to shell the old shell. After that, they grow new, larger shells as their size increases. During the first 6 months of life, they molt many times. However, it is very important to keep in mind the moulding process and right after it, as they are extremely vulnerable.
Suitable Tankmates
They do best in groups. Also, fighting others of the same species is not common. So the best tankmates for Geosesarma SB are other vampire crabs. Whatever, we recommend keeping the same tanks a single male and two females. This can help prevent any aggressive behavior during mating season.
It takes about a month for the eggs to hatch out after mating. Before hatching, the female crabs become even more secretive and start hiding almost all the time. However, depending on their size, the female crabs carry 20 to 80 eggs.
The average lifespan of this vampire orchid crab is around 2 years. In captivity and in the wild, the lifespan is the same. But if you are providing special crab care in the paludarium, they can live longer.

How To Take Care Of Orchid Vampire Crab
The orchid crabs’ care for creatures has led to a lot of mistakes. If you are providing them with the proper care, they can be quite hardy. So before keeping this species in the house, you should need to know some information, such as
Land Vs Water Ratio
In the tank, an 80/20 setup of land and water would be preferable for these species. They can spend more time on land than on water. Usually, they do not require a lot of water. However, they require a paludarium that contains a 10-15 cm deep bottom tray of witty freshwater.
Tank Size
As the Geosesarma sb is small in size, it is possible to keep them in a small tank with several crabs in a 10-gallon tank. If you want to increase the colony, it would be better to have a 20-gallon tank.
Water Parameter
The orchid vampire crab can thrive in a pH range of 7.5-8.0. If the pH level is too low, they become very lethargic. So the ideal temperature should be between 24-28°C. Besides, the kH level is around 0-10 and the GH range is between 4-16.
Final Say
As you can see, the whole guide is about orchid vampire crabs. Unlike a lot of the other crabs, you can see them in the aquarium scene. These semi-terrestrial critters have their own set of rules. In addition, these crabs striking appearance can make them great in aquariums. So it is recommended that you keep them in groups, as they are social.
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