Blanket hermit crabs use a cosier type of protection that is called a sea anemone. Usually, hermit crabs are best known for using snails to protect their fleshy, shellless bodies. But these blanket crabs have a different strategy. As they are wearing an anemone, they are called anemone-wearing hermit crabs. For the adorable way in which they tuck themselves into their anemone homes.

The anemone offers serious protection. The curious crustaceans have developed a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones that they wear to cover their soft bellies. In addition, they use highly specialised claw-bearing limbs, which are called chelipeds, to pull the anemone’s tissue back and forth to cover their soft bodies. Besides, they cover their heads whenever necessary, much like hiding under a blanket.
The discovery of the blanket hermit crab
During a 4 year oceanographic expedition, the first known blanket hermit crab discovery occurred on the HMS Challenger in 1874. They have collected two blanket crabs to explore. One is male and the other is female. Like any other crab species in the world, they are so different. The scientist J.R. Henderson assigned a brand new genus and species called Paguropsis typicus. In 1905, the name was changed to P. typica.
Quick Fact About Blanket Hermit Crab
- Scientific Name: Paguropsis
- Tank Size: 5 Gallons
- Keeping: Easy to Medium
- Breeding: Very difficult
- Size: 1.5 to 10 cm
- Optimal Temperature: 26 -30°C
- Water Types: Freshwater and Saltwater
- Diet: Omnivore
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Lifespan: Upto 10 years and more
- Color: Red and Orange

Interesting Fact About Blanket Hermit Crab
The anemone-wearing hermit blanket crab is native to the Indo-Pacific Ocean and the Western Atlantic. In this region, they can be found typically along the beaches and near the water. Moreover, they are born in the ocean, but they spend most of their time on beaches.
Body and Claw color
There are a large number of these species of crabs, and their claws will be the same color as the rest of their body. The anemone wearing a crab is also the same as this rule. Their claw is red and white. Besides, their bodies are orange to red colored.
Adult Size and age
The adult size of these crabs depends on quite a few factors, such as species, age and anemone size. Among the other kinds of crabs, these crabs never stop molting as they never stop growing. Some of them are growing rapidly, while others are slow and steady. Usually, they can reach up to 5 inches in total length.
As these crabs are omnivores, they will appreciate the occasional fruits or vegetables to supplement and give them some variety. In addition, you should also try fresh fruits, veggies and some kinds of protein and meat products.
In the wild, a wide range of hermit crabs can live for around 20 to 30 years. However, the blanket crabs can live from 5 to 10 years or more, depending on their care and environment. In captivity, these crabs are lucky to see their second birthday. Furthermore, there are severely shortened lifespans, often due to improper care and the proper keeping of knowledge.

How to care blanket hermit crabs
Keeping these crabs in the aquarium is not very difficult if you know the care steps. If you want to have a happy and healthy crab for more than a few months, it is important to give it everything it requires, including proper care and maintenance. Below, I am providing the specific care needs that are required for these crabs.
Tank size
If your crab is young, it is possible to use a 5-gallon size tank. But keep in mind that there are essential water dishes that are deep enough for them. Therefore, I would especially prefer to keep these crabs at a 10-gallon size.
The most important part is that they need exercise too. So that you are providing them with proper playtime such as climbing, pulling and crawling. Besides, you should be provided with plenty of things to explore and hide in.
Usually, they prefer warm temperatures that are 26 to 30 °C. However, it is important to remember that some crabs tolerate slightly lower temperatures, down to 23 °C.
The blanket crab needs at least 7 to 10cm for the substrate.

Why do blanket hermit crabs use an anemone?
The anemone wearing crabs may be more protected than the anemone appears if it seems strange to switch out a hard shell for a soft one. Although the anemone lacks hardness, it makes up for its stings. Usually, sea anemones are equipped with the ability to zap other animals. They dish out stings by using their special anatomy, which is similar to that of a jellyfish. Besides being a close relative of the sea anemone.
How does the blanket hermit crab acquire an anemone?
Naturally, the sea anemone settles on the hind part of the young hermit crabtail. Both animals grow up together in such a way that the spreading zoophytes form a blanket that the hermit crab can draw completely forward over its head. Besides, throw half back. The hermit blanket crabs acquire their gelatinous protection when their larval anemone lands on their backs rather than acquiring a full-grown adult anemone.
Moreover, these crab species have evolved specialised anatomy to hold and stretch the anemone as needed. Although the crab’s legs are known as their chelipeds legs. Because it allows blanket crabs to stretch the anemone over their body. As if to wrap themselves in a blanket.
How do I set up my blanket Hermit crabs at home?
These crabs thrive in a tropical environment. Despite their name, they are very social and live together in pairs. So if you want to keep these anemone-carrying species, choose a territory with at least 5 gallons of space for every 2 crabs. But you should remember that the territory should have a hood to keep humidity in. Besides, keep your carbs from escaping. In addition, keep the terrarium in a low-traffic area out of direct sunlight.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do the blanket crabs live?
They can typically live up to 10 years and grow up to 6 inches long.
How many colors of these anemone-wearing hermit crabs are there?
There are a total of seven known species of these crabs.
Are hermit blanket crabs good pets?
They can make great pets for anyone who likes them. Because they are relatively low maintenance and beautiful to look at.
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