In the aquarium world, the red apple crab is generally unknown. Besides, there is a rather uncommon and unknown crab in the hobby. They are a beautiful and small species that hail from the lands of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Usually, these crabs are not completely aquatic but terrestrial.

The crabs are easy-to-care features make them a great choice for a beginner. The most interesting part of these beautiful crabs is their ability to change the color of their shell from brown to orange. Also bright red but it depends on their mood. So they are called the chameleon crab. Additionally, due to their small size, they will not take up much room.
So if you are planning to keep it in a paludarium, the red apple or chameleon crab is a great choice. Therefore, to make keeping and caring for crabs easy, I am covering all the essentials of crab care in the guide. Besides, I will explain in detail all the essential aspects of their tank setup, habitat, diet and other helpful facts.
What is a red apple crab?
The red apple crab, also known as Metasesarma aubryi, is a small, very colorful and semi-terrestrial species in Indonesia. They are also called chameleon crabs. Because their ability to display different colors depends on their mood and environment,. Generally, these species are native to Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. Besides, it inhabits forest areas near rivers, streams and ponds.
However, most of the time they are spent on land but also often submerged in the freshwater. It is communal with its species and might be aggressive with the other crabs. They are also skilled climbers, so extra crab care must be taken. This can help to ensure that it does not escape its enclosure.

Scientific Classification Of Red Apple Crab
- Scientific Name: Metasesarma aubryi
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Order: Decapoda
- Class: Malacostraca
- Family: Sesarmidae
- Subfamily: Crustacea
- Species: Aubryi
- Genus: Metasesarma,
Quick Note About Red Apple Crab
- Type: Territorial
- Minimum Tank Size: 5 gallon
- Keeping: Very Easy
- Breeding: Difficult
- Diet: Omnivores
- Temperament: Slightly Aggressive
- Optimal Temperature: 71 – 79 °F
- Water Type: Freshwater Bowl
- Life Span: Upto 6 years
- Common names: Red Apple Chameleon crab, Chameleon crab, Red Apple AKA Chameleon Crab, Apple Crab
Interesting Facts About The Red Apple Crab
The red apple chameleon crabs originate from the lands of Sulawesi in Indonesia and live near rivers and streams. Besides, they prefer the heavily wooded areas that are close to the water, where they can dig and hide. However, nowadays, they can also be found in New Caledonia, the Gulf of Thailand, Rotuma, the Morotai Islands and the Mergui archipelago.
The apple crabs are very small crabs and the average shell width is 1 to 1.6 inches (2.5 to 4 cm). Also, their legs reach around 3 to 4 inches(7-10cm). The carapace color can vary from dark blue to purple with orange edges. Also, they have a horizontal yellow line on both sides between the eyes. They have yellow to green eyes, red round claws and brown legs.

Usually, the red apple chameleon crabs are nocturnal animals. They start their activity during the day and gradually stop it during the night. Though their nocturnal behavior is not uncommon for grazing invertebrates, that is mainly associated with attempting to avoid visual predators while feeding. This means they are simply less active at this time. In addition, the apple crab is not completely harmless. The bigger their colony, the safer they can feel confident. As they do not like intruders, it is recommended that you do not keep them with other crabs.
Red apple crabs are omnivores and can eat almost anything. Usually, they mainly feed on vegetables, debris, stems, and roots and are supplemented with dead insects, worms and larvae. To ensure their best growth, you should provide a good mix of meat and vegetation. In nature, you should provide foods and vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, corn, cabbages and leafy greens. Besides, provide fruits like apples, bananas, pears, mango, melons, etc. They enjoy these foods very much.
In the wild, the average or maximum lifespan of the Metasesarma aubryi crab is up to 4 years. However, if you provide appropriate care, some species can live up to 6 years in captivity.
How Do I Care For The Red Apple Crab?
Fortunately, caring about red apple chameleon crabs is very easy for everyone, especially beginners. However, if you want to have a happy and healthy crab for as long as it is possible, give them everything that they require.

Tank Size
The red apple crab likes to have its own space to roam around. As well, there is a variety of terrain to retreat to when facing challenges like unwanted attention. Ideally, the minimum tank size is 5 gallons for 1 male or 2 females.
To mimic their habit, the substrate should be moistened to sandcastle consistency at all times. This can help you maintain a proper level of humidity. In the tank, the substrate can be made of peat, sand, and earth to mix nibble at and excavate in.
The apple crab prefers a warm and humid environment. However, the range of optimal temperatures is anywhere between 71-79F. In addition, their body temperature completely depends on the temperature in their surrounding environment.
Frequently Asked Question
Which foods should you avoid feeding red apple chameleon crab?
Never provide acidic, salty, spicy, fried, smoked or flour-based items to your apple crab.
How often should we change the food?
You should change their food for 24 hours before. Make sure these crabs are not consumed in one day and are removed to prevent moles.
Do red apple crabs need calcium?
Yes, they need calcium because it is a crucial component of the apple crab’s exoskeleton and overall health. However, you can find them in spinach, cuttlebones, eggshells, oyster shells and insects.
How often should we change the menu for apple crab?
Ideally, you need to change your diet for at least 1 week. Give them different food every day.