Are you interested in exotic marine creatures? If so, then the Thai devil crab would be the best option. These marine creatures are mysterious and unique. Its appearance and fascinating behavior will captivate anyone. So, in this blog, we will delve into the world of Thai devil crab. Also, uncover their habitats, lifespan, care, and more.

So, let’s start!
Natural Habitat of Thai Devil Crab
The Thai devil crab belongs to the land crab family. They are found in the Red Sea along the eastern coast of Africa. Thai devil crabs are from the lush landscapes of Thailand and Southeast Asia territories. Also, they range from the Indo-Pacific to Tuamotur. In the northern Island of Japan, they are particularly abundant. The Cocos Island in the Indian Ocean and some parts of Northern Australia devil crabs can also be seen.
Thai devil crabs flourish where land meets water. Their environments are rich, bio-diverse mangrove forests that line the shores. The mangrove forests not only provide shelter from predators but also a supply of food sources. They consume decaying vegetation to small creatures in their natural habitat. Adaptability is the hallmark of the Thai devil crab. Truly they adapt to different environments.
Description of Thai Devil Crab
Thai devil crabs are big enough compared to other species to keep as pets. Their carapace grows about 3 to 5 inches (7-12 cm) long. And with a leg span of up to 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm) or even more. The total weight is about 480 grams (1 pound). They display colors from orange to red. Mainly, they have eye-catching patterns.
An adult Thai crab stretches up to 6 inches across. Their unique combination of physical and behavioral patterns seems truly interesting. They have a heart-shaped body. The claws have the same coloration as the carapace. So, to keep them as a pet you need a spacious aquarium.

Unfortunately, there is no exact data about their lifespan in their natural life. But in captivity with good care, they live up to 5-10 years.
Thai Devil Crab Care
For keeping them as a pet it’s important to ensure their care requirements. It’s important to give them a better life. So, care for them carefully. The care requirements are-
1. Choose an Enclosure
Thai devil crabs are big enough. So, they need a spacious tank with both land and water. Also, they need a lot of climbing and hiding space. If you want one or two crabs then A 10-gallon is recommended. But for enough space, you can consider having A 15-gallon tank. Honestly, it is always good to have a bigger space for them which ensures good health for them. But for a group, you need a minimum 40-gallon tank.
2. Fill The Tank With Substrate And Water
The Thai devil crab needs water and land. So you need to fill in the tank with both. Firstly, fill the tank with a layer of substrate and some water as a base. They need both freshwater and brackish water. So you can use two bowls for this. One is for freshwater and the other is for brackish water.
For brackish water, you can mix marine salt with fresh water to make brackish water. Also, mix 1.5-3 liters of water with 1 gram of marine salt. Always use dichloride water for them. Because chlorine can stress and kill your crabs. Also, don’t use tap water as it has chlorine. But if you use tap water then let it set for 24 hours.
For substrate, you can choose sand or coconut fiber. Spread 4 to 5 cm of substrate at the bottom of the tank. The substrate is important for borrowing space. They truly make fun and play in the substrate.
3. Temperature
They like to live in naturally warm places. So, you need to maintain a warm temperature in the tank. However, the temperature between 71-79 °F is a good range. But keep the tank out of direct sunlight. It can kill them. To monitor the temperature you can choose a thermometer.

4. Humidity
They prefer a humid environment. However, they are pretty resilient to humidity changes. So, it’s recommended to keep the humidity at about 60 %. Also, you can slightly high it. For always monitoring the humidity you can use a humidifier.
5. Decorate The Habitat
Thai crabs like to play and hide. For that, you can decorate their habitat. Add decorations like sticks, driftwood, rocks, gravel, plants, PVC pipes, etc. All of them will help them sit on and climb. Also, adding decoration helps to be stress-free.
6. Diet
They are omnivores naturally which allows them to eat everything you give them. However, for their growth, you can give them a good mix of meats and vegetables. It contains protein and minerals. Also, you can give them different kinds of fruits as a treat. For vegetables, you can choose broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, leafy greens, etc.
You can choose fruits like bananas, mangoes, apples, etc. Shrimp pellets, fish, and blood worms are also the best options. But don’t give them food that is acidic, salty, or spicy. Because they can harm them.
7. Maintain The Water Quality
Maintaining the water quality is truly important for their better health. Always remove 10 to 25 % of total watering every 2 to 3 weeks. Then refill it with the same amount of water. To clean the water you can use a filter. A good filtration system will help to clean the water.
Remove the uneaten food from the tank daily. As it can pollute the water and harm them. Always monitor the water. Because if the water quality gets poor it can cause an odor and ammonia.

8. Tankmates
Thai devil crabs are not very aggressive. But they are not peaceful either. Always keep one male in the tank at a time. Because males are likely to fight when they are together. So, you can keep one male with a female or more than one female. You can also consider dwarf shrimp, tranquil fish, and snails to keep as tank mates.
9. Health Issues
Thai devil crabs can have a variety of health issues like any aquarium pet. Shell rot, bacterial infections, and parasitic infestations are common. So, for their good health, you need to maintain proper water quality. Also, offering a balanced diet and providing a clean environment can help to prevent health problems.
Wrap Up
The Thai devil crabs are a unique species that captivates many. By understanding their diet, care, and other things, you can provide them with a good environment to thrive. Hope this blog will help you to find the information about Thai devil crab.
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