How to Care a Vampire Crab – 7 Easy Steps

Vampire crabs are one of the most demanding pets that you can own. They are unique in color and also have a fascinating appearance. If you are thinking of owning a vampire crab you should know first how to care for them. In this article, we will describe vampire crab care.

So.let’s dive into this!


The most interesting fact about the vampire crabs is their appearance. Although they have similar profiles to other crabs. They have 10 legs including two big pinchers. Honestly, the vampire crabs look unique for their color.  Their bodies are deep purple though some specimens can also be more black or brownish. 

They have a yellow spot in the back which resembles a starry night. It also enhances their beauty. The most beautiful feature of them is their bright yellow eyes. Male crabs are slightly bigger than females. Also, they have lighter-colored claws. Like other crabs, they don’t have powerful claws.

The claws are quite small and don’t open wide. Especially, for this reason, you can handle them without pinching. The average size of them is about 2 inches wide. This measurement includes their leg span.

The lifespan of a vampire can be about 2-3 years around. Also, it’s the same in their captivity life. But if the maintenance is not good enough they will die early.

Vampire Crab Care

Vampire crabs are semi-terrestrial animals. So, you need to care for them according to their habitat. Vampire crab care means crab tank setup, water parameters, tankmate, diet, and more that you need to set up for them or give them. Here we will give you information about how to care for a vampire crab.

The very first thing is to set up their tank. For that, you need to ensure some things. That is written below.

1. Tank Size

Vampire crabs are small so a 10-gallon tank is perfect to keep half of a dozen crabs together. A 10-gallon tank will give them the space to move and play. Although some recommended a 5-gallon tank for them. But it will be small for them as you think of a tankmate for them. Also, you should give them enough room to help them go a long way. 

2. Water Parameters

Vampire crab needs fresh water in the tank which needs a perfect temperature, hardness, and pH level. If the pH level goes low they become lethargic. Vampire crabs are sensitive to changing water quality. However, we recommended changing up to 40 percent of the water each time to keep ammonia and nitrate levels low.

So, you need to maintain the water parameters. That’s are

  • Water Temperature: 70°F-82°F
  • pH level: 7.5-8.0
  • Water Hardness: 0-10 dkH

3. Substrate

Vampire crabs aren’t picky when it comes to substrate. So, you can choose sand, gravel, soil,  coconut fiber, or a mixture of any of them. But like other crabs, they also love to dig and burrow in the substrate. So. it’s better to use substrates like soil or sand.

4. Water vs Land Ratio

Vampire crabs need dry and wet areas to survive. Mainly they need more land than water. However, many crab keepers believe that it will be enough to use decorations for them to play. So they use more water than land. But for their comfortable environment, we need to mimic their natural habitat.

For that, you need to give them more land surface in the tank. You can set up an 80/20 land and water ratio. But at least 50/50 needs to be maintained. The land surface must contain 10-15 inches deep so they can burrow and play in the tank.

5. Filtration

For vampire crabs’ healthy molting and breeding, you must clean the water regularly. So, you need to clean the water 2-3 days a week. But it will be a hassle for you. A good filtration system like an underwater gravel filter or hang-on-back filter will help to clean the water regularly.

6. Heater and Humidifier

As the water needs to maintain the temperature for that you can choose to use a heater and a humidifier. A heater will warm the tank. Also, a humidifier will help to increase the temperature and humidity of the dry sections like your crab needs.

7. Decoration

Decoration in their enclosure will help them to have fun and play. As decoration, you can choose rocks, wood, plants, PVC pipe, etc. This decoration will enrich spaces for your pet.

Vampire Crab Tank Mates

Vampire crabs are social like other crabs. They can do well with their kind of community. But if you want to keep different kinds of species you can choose Geosesarma species like Tangerine Head crab, Red Devil crab, etc. Also, you can choose from Metasesarma species like Red Apple crab, Marble crab, etc.

As you know vampire crabs are small so you can’t choose large species to be with them. Because large species will see them as prey. But you can choose large shrimp and aquatic snails as a tank mate. Also, you can’t choose the small fish because it will be eaten by your crabs.

As their tank mates, you can choose fast-moving fish with short fins. Fast-moving species won’t be an easy target for your crab. Some options would be short-finned betta, danios, cherry barbs, and female guppies. But there is no guarantee that vampire crabs won’t prey on them and also you may lose one.


Vampire crabs are omnivorous species which means they can eat almost anything. In their wildlife, they eat small terrestrial insects, worms, and plant detritus. But in captivity, you can give them food that has proper nutrients and calcium.

You can give them organic food like brine shrimp, earthworm species,  blood worms, etc. Also, you can give them dried algae, shrimp, fish flakes, vegetables, dry leaves, etc. Feed them a variety of food to be healthy.


Vampire crabs are easy to breed. They are likely to mate without intervention provided they are kept in groups with males and females. Most of the vampires are sexually mature at 6 months, So, if you want to breed them they need to be 6 months at least.

In this matting process, the male vampire will mount the female to fertilize her eggs. Females carry 20 to 80 eggs roughly in a month. Once the eggs hatch babies will look very small. Babies don’t need parents to go here and there. By birth, they are independent enough.

Wrap Up

Vampire crabs are now very popular as a pet. They are hardy and easy to manage. Hope this article will help you to know about their care and more that will help you to care for them

Read: How to care for hermit crabs

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