As new hermit crab owners, we somehow learn to feed and care for hermit crabs. But the difficulty starts with thinking about pooping and peeing. Hermit crab poop and pee are like mysteries, and we find no clue about the defecation process. Here, you will understand the defecation process and how to deal with it.

Hermit crab poop
The defection process starts with digestion. As food converts into energy, the food moves through the digestive system. The waste is stored in the rectum until the crab is ready to eliminate it.
When they are ready to eliminate waste, they pass it through their anus, which is found at the base of their body. The poop drops into the shell, yes where they live. Then they throw it out of the shell with their legs.
What does hermit crab poop look like?
Hermit crab poop is typically small, dark, a bit long, and curly cylindrical or curly sausage-like in shape. The color can vary depending on the hermit crab’s diet, different diets will give slightly different shades of color but it is often brown or black. The size of the poop will depend on the size of the hermit crab.
Coco fiber substrate is considered the best substrate for hermit crabs. But the poop color and substrate color mix and become invisible or very hard to find. So it would be better if you use half sand and half coco substrate. It can help absorb and break down waste more effectively.
Does hermit crab poop smell?
No, hermit crab poop doesn’t have any smell but it would be wrong if I say it totally doesn’t have any smell. It is just not noticeable to us but the crabs in the enclosure can notice the smell, which can be irritating and unhealthy for them.
If the poops remain uncleaned for several days, they may smell bad, and the enclosure, which usually needs high humidity will be unlivable because of the wet poo smell.

Do I have to clean hermit crab poop?
Yes, you have to clean hermit crabs’ poop. Though hermit crabs remove the waste from the shell, the poop remains over the substrate and food bowl, which must be cleaned. When they go into the water, the shell becomes clean. So there is no need to worry about cleaning the shell. Ensure you follow the rules about water.
Hermit crabs have some specific places where they remove their poo from the shell. At first, you have to observe their poop-throwing behavior, they choose some places on their own. Most of the time it is saltwater, food bowl, and where they like to hide most. They won’t scatter the poop all over the tank, as they have to keep some places clean to play around.
You have to identify the poop and remove it with a spoon. There will be still some remaining feces that you haven’t seen while cleaning. To remove those feces, you can change one inch of substrate once every month or you can reverse the same substrate with something.
Change the water and food regularly and clean the bowl, as they love to poo there.
Do hermit crabs bury their poop?
No, hermit crabs do not bury their poop like other animal. If you do not clean the feces, it may become incorporated into the substrate over time.

Do hermit crabs eat their own poop?
Hermit crabs do not eat their own, but if you see your hermit crab eating its own poop, there is nothing to worry about it. They may not eat their own but in their natural habitat, they eat things like feces of other animals and rotten plant matter. As they are omnivorous, they will eat anything they can find, including shit.
It seems gross right, but it is what it is. Hearing these things, you may think hermit crabs are very unclean creatures, but that is not right. They are very clean and hygienic. You can touch and grab with your hand and that is okay but there is a twist.
Hermit crab pee
Like other animals, hermit crab also excrete waste in the form of both solid feces (poop) and liquid urine (pee).
How do hermit crabs pee?
As we know, hermit crabs’ anus located at the lower part of the body. But when it comes to urine it becomes the opposite.
Hermit crabs have organs called green glands or coxal glands, which are situated at the base of the antennae, beside the eyes. Hermit crabs pee through these glands meaning where they pee is located near their mouth.

But again, there is nothing to worry about, this is the way they are. Usually, their pee doesn’t touch the mouth, and if does, sometimes it won’t be a problem for the crabs as the pee doesn’t contain anything harmful for the crabs.
When they go for a bath in the water bowl they become clean. This is one of the reasons why you should change the water every day.
What does hermit crab pee look like?
The pee of the hermit crab is clear and doesn’t have any smell. The amount they pee is very little. It would be really hard to notice them peeing.
Do hermit crabs pee when scared?
Hermit crabs do not pee when they are scared. The liquid they dribble, when they are scared or handled, is shell water. They store water in the shell to dampen their gills; otherwise, they can’t breathe. They need high humidity to thrive, which is why they need to store water in shells so that the body doesn’t get dehydrated.
When they are scared they dribble the stored water showing the predator as a defense mechanism. Some hermit crabs may do this until they become friends with you.
Hermit crabs pee when it’s time to pee, there is no specific connection with scaring.
Do hermit crabs smell?
Hermit crabs don’t smell anything except for the molting time and when they are dead.
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