Are you looking to keep fully aquatic freshwater crabs but do not know who is good for you? Don’t worry; I have got you covered. A fully aquatic crab in freshwater can make an accompaniment to an aquarium. So keeping them is just one more exciting way to diversify your aquarium with something unique.

Their behaviors add a different dynamic to a tank. Besides, you can watch them scurrying around and collecting whatever they can get their claws on. This can be very entertaining. However, freshwater crabs tend to be small. So that they are ideal for a lot of tank sizes. Also, they have the bonus of keeping aquariums clean by doing the job for you.
In this guide, we will discuss which are the best and truly aquatic freshwater crabs. Besides, how can you incorporate them into your tank?
Getting To Know 6 Fully Aquatic Freshwater Crabs
Thai Micro Crab

The Thai micro crabs are fully aquatic freshwater crabs and spend their lives submerged. It is also known as limnopilos naiyanetri, which is native to a single river in Thailand. Besides, they live up to their name with an adult size of less than an inch in diameter.
Due to their tiny size and unproportionately long legs, people are also known as micro crabs, pill box crabs, and false spider crabs. They use their small bristles to catch detritus particles and other microorganisms.
In general, the Thai crabs are greyish brown. However, it is common in their behavior that they spend most of their time in hiding. Moreover, they are social and enjoy living in small colonies with other Thai crabs.
The Pom Pom Crab

Another fully aquatic freshwater crab is pom pom crab. They are also known as Ptychognathus barbatus and can get their name from the unique filter hairs on their claws. This can help to make them appear as if they are always holding pom poms.
Typically, they are native to the Hawaiian Islands. Usually, the pom crabs are small in size and on average, the size is about 1.5-2 inches. In general, their temperament is peaceful and they are filter feeders.
Their fantastic behavior makes them a great addition to the nano tanks. Among the other freshwater crabs, they are very active. The pom pom crabs will enjoy any tank with lots of hiding spots.
Learn more about the pom pom crab
The Panther Crab

Parathelphusa pantherine crab, also known as the panther crab, is another fully aquatic freshwater crab. They are native to Sulawesi and are a more difficult variety of aquarium crabs. From their orange and spotted panther-like appearance, they can get their name.
Usually, they can reach 2-3 inches in adult size. In addition, they are one of the largest aquarium crabs that require a large tank capacity. In nature, they are terrestrial. So it is recommended that you only keep them in male /female pairs.
Learn More About Panther Crab Care Guide
Matano Crab
In our list of 6 fully aquatic freshwater crabs, the matano crab is one of them, also known as Syntripsa matannensis. They are colorful, like the panther crab and are also native to Sulawesi.
As they are large, they require a large tank. They can reach a size of up to 5 inches. The matano crab is a predatory crab that can lean towards aggression and does well in multiple male groups.
Learn More About Matano Crab Care Details Guide
Towuti Crab
The towuti crab is a fully aquatic freshwater crab, also known as parathelphusa ferruginea. They are native to one island in Indonesia, Sulawesi. Besides, they live in lakes, which can make them fit for any aquarium.
Usually, they are small in size on average, 2 inches. In nature, the towuti crabs are aggressive and highly skilled hunters. So it is recommended that no community tanks for these guys.
Learn More About Towuti Crab Comprehensive Care Guide
The Tanganyika Crab
The Tanganyika crab is native to Africa. They can get their name from the lake where they originate. The Tanganyika crab is a fully aquatic freshwater crab that is also known as the platythelphusa sp. The aquarium hobby is fairly new. In a larger tank, they can be kept in small colonies.
However, it is suggested that not many males are in the same tank. Because they are not tank-friendly. In their diet, they are omnivores and like to eat anything they can get a hold of, including shrimp, snails and other species.
Creating A Comfortable Environment For Fully Aquatic Crabs
Properly creating and setting up your freshwater aquarium is crucial for creating a comfortable environment for your crabs. However, they need a secure enclosure, especially if they grow up to 4 inches. So they need a secure enclosure. Besides, ensure the tank offers ample room for your crustacean friends to roam, grow and explore.
For a couple of crabs, a 10-gallon tank is recommended. Then maintain the right temperature, which is 72-82F. Besides, ensure a proper pH level of 6.5-8. In addition to mimicking their natural environment, they decorate and hide spots with rocks, live plants and driftwood.
Helpful Fact For Fully Aquatic Freshwater Crabs
- Fully aquatic freshwater crabs have special gills for living underwater.
- Compared to the other crabs, freshwater crabs are smaller in size.
- With a diverse range of diets, they consist of algae, small aquatic organisms and detritus.
- Truly aquatic freshwater crabs are hardy and adaptable, which can make them suitable for beginner aquarists.
- With low maintenance and easy tank set-up, you can care for them.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are fully aquatic crabs?
Fully aquatic crabs are types of crabs that live in freshwater environments and are adapted to spend most of their time in the water.
Can fully aquatic freshwater crabs help with a springtail infestation in an aquarium?
Yes, they can help eliminate the springtail invasion in each freshwater aquarium.
Can fully aquatic crabs only live in freshwater?
No, some fully aquatic crabs are also adaptable to brackish water conditions, such as red-clawed crabs and Thai devil crabs.
What do fully aquatic freshwater crabs eat?
Usually, they are omnivores and feed on dead animals, plants, detritus and anything from small fish to other invertebrates.
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