Fiddler crabs are social animals. They can share their tank with other species because of their social behavior. They truly enjoy the company of others. But when you choose their tank mates you need to know who can share the same temperament. This post will explore the best fiddler crab tank mates and the other resources you need to know to choose a tank mate for your fiddler crab.

Consider Choosing a Tank Mate
When you want a tank mate for your fiddler, there are several aspects you need to keep in mind. You can’t just choose a tank mate for them but more about finding a compatible roommate—the roommate who can find harmony in your fiddler crab habitat. Furthermore, the creature you choose as a tank mate for your fiddler can be comfortable with sand and brackish water.
Size plays a vital role in this matter. You can’t choose too large or too small a creature as a tank mate. Also, you can’t choose an aggressive one. On the other side, you should keep an eye on the new creature that can handle the water sanity, temperature, and other things that fiddler crabs are comfortable with.
So, choose a creature that can comfortably adjust to the same living conditions in the tank

The Tank Size for the creatures
To maintain harmony between fiddler crab and tank mates you should ensure the tank size. You need to ensure their own space in the tank. When you have one to four fiddler crabs, they need at least 10 gallons of space. So, if you decide to have tank mates you need a big-size tank.
On the other hand, an ample-size tank provides room for all the fun activities for fiddler crabs and their tank mates. To maintain peace and comfort you need to give them enough space.
Ideal Tank mates for Fiddler Crab
Not many creatures can survive in the low-sanity water that fiddler crabs need. The crabs are known to attack other creatures with their claws. Also, a larger tank upwards of 30 gallons should be tough to have tank mates with fiddler crabs. Now I will give you possible tank mates for fiddler crabs that you can choose as their tank mates.
The Molly Fish
Mollies are very adorable and peaceful. They don’t like being crowded with too many creatures. If their tank mates get aggressive, they could get aggressive too. To be honest, they are active and happy to interact with other creatures. Mollies are fast swimmers and can get away from fiddler crabs’ claws with no problem.
The Platy Fish
Platies are very tiny and colorful. This fish loves to spend their time in small groups. They love to be in the middle of the aquarium. Always keep in mind that you should keep the male and female ratio of 1:1.Also make sure the aquarium has a lid because they can jump.

Platies can swim fast and are very active. They could escape a fiddler crab attack easily. Platies get along well with other peaceful creatures. So, they will be good as tank mates.
The Swordtail
Swordtail loves to spend their time in the community with other small and peaceful creatures. They live in groups but they are not the shoaling type. They can sense the danger. Whenever they feel a threat, they will hide behind the tank decoration.
They love to swim. So, if you give them enough space, they will swim around. Swordtails are adorable and love the company of other tank mates.
The Bumblebee Goby
The Bumblebee Goby is shy at first but when they get used to the new environment it will swim around. Gobies Love the brackish water. They are the same size as the fiddler crab. So, in the fiddler crab tank, they will be happy.
The Nerite Snail
Nerite snails have a couple of varieties. They are not active and they love peace. Nerite snails won’t bother other species and also they eat the algae in the aquarium. They also love the brackish water. So, you should pair them with care in the tank.
The Amano Shrimp
The Amano shrimp don’t cause any trouble to anyone. They help to clean the aquarium by eating the algae. The Amano shrimp gets fierce when they fight for food. They don’t bother any tank mates. They are the same size as the fiddler crab. So, they can save themselves from the crab’s claws easily.
The Guppy
Guppies are rare in beauty. They are peaceful and social. Guppies will add a few splashes of color to your fiddler crabs aquarium. They get along with a large variety of nonfish animals like ghost shrimp. Whenever they face threats, they will be timid and hide. They can also save themselves from the fiddler crab claws by hiding.

The Ghost Shrimp
The ghost shrimp have a translucent body. This shrimp looks like a ghost. To be honest, these creatures are good for cleaning the aquarium and keeping the algae level down. This is their main activity which keeps them busy all the time
They could be prey for most large tank mates. But luckily they are the same size as fiddler crabs. So they will escape by chance. They could swim swiftly, so it was easy for them to escape from crabs’ claws.
I hope you can choose a tank mate for your fiddler crab wisely which helps to maintain a healthy environment in the tank.
Keep an Eye on Tankmates
When you choose tank mates for your fiddler crab what do you do next? The answer is always to keep on the interaction among is a fact that a peaceful tank is a healthy tank. When you have time for them, always check on them. Always ensure that all the creatures have enough space for them.
Always keep an eye on their behavior. When they first meet as a tank mate it is possible to be aggressive but that’s normal. Remember that the goal is not just to keep your tank lively but also to ensure every creature lives in harmony. By taking appropriate steps and keeping a watchful eye you can cultivate a thriving underwater community.
Wrap up
Fiddler crabs are easy to care for. So choose the tank mate according to their environment and temperament. Hope this article will help you to know about the tank mates of a fiddler crab and also useful to choose one for your fiddler crab.