While setting up the hermit crabs’ enclosure or after petting the hermit crab for a few days, you may be facing problems with heating the tank. Though there is nothing complex about heating a hermit crab tank and the right way to do it, sometimes we have to be clear about questions like whether hermit crabs need a heat lamp at night.

Hermit crabs do not need a heat lamp as it zaps the humidity, be it day or night. Hermit crabs require a warm but moist and humid environment, the required humidity is 70 to 80 percent. A heat lamp quickly evaporates the humidity and makes the air dry. As we all know unlike other crabs hermit crabs have very vulnerable bodies and dry air can cause serious health issues for hermit crabs.
Even there is no need for light for the hermit crab enclosure. There is no proof that crabs get any benefit from UVB from sunlight or any other light. However, they need a normal day-night cycle and they can be created with a normal LED light.
To keep the tank warm professionals advise using a heating mat on the side of the tank. It keeps the enclosure warm without evaporating any moisture. Temperature (within 70 to 80 degrees) and humidity can be monitored by a thermometer and a hygrometer. Then you can decide on your own.
Do hermit crabs need heat at night?
Yes, hermit crabs need to maintain their body temperature even at night as they are ectothermic, meaning their body temperature can be influenced by the temperature. So it is always essential to maintain a temperature range between 75°F and 85°F (24°C and 29°C), including at night. Below 65°F can’t be tolerable for a hermit crab.
A heating pad is essential for that and be careful about nighttime temperature drop. Keep away from the air-conditioned room as it can be harmful like a heat lamp.

How do you keep hermit crabs warm without a heater?
Here are some options you can try.
- Using materials that help retain heat. Styrofoam panels can placed around the enclosure to maintain a stable temperature. Or you can wrap the tank with blankets.
- Make sure to use coco fiber as hermit crab enclosure substrate. It can help maintain a warmer environment.
- Place the enclosure comparatively in a warmer room. Placing near a sunny window can be a good decision, as it will create a greenhouse effect. Don’t place it near the window if the temperature fluctuates too much.
- Ensure to close the habitat with a lid or use a cover that can help trap heat.
- Using a normal LED light can create suitable heat for the hermit crab; use these as a supplemental heat source.
Can hermit crabs live at room temperature?
Hermit crabs require 75°F to 85°F during the day and 65°F to 75°F at night. The room temperature typically falls within this range. So technically, yes, hermit crabs can live at room temperature. But you need to be careful in winter.
Do hermit crabs need light 24 7
No, hermit crabs do not need light 24/7. If the tank gets proper sunlight and a day-night cycle there is no need for extra light. However, if the enclosure doesn’t get any natural light, you should use bulbs. You should try to mimic the normal cycle of day and night with artificial bulbs (8 to 12 hours of daytime and 8 to 12 hours of nighttime with seasonal changes in the cycle).
In case you want to see and track the crabs’ movement at night because they are more active at night, consider using a dark light. The crabs won’t see the light but you can see them.

How do I know if my hermit crab is cold?
Here is how you can know:
- Using a thermometer is necessary. If the temperature gets below 65°F then your hermit crabs may get serious health issues.
- Hermit crabs like to play around with the right temperature. If you notice your hermit crab spending more time tucked into its shell, it could be a sign of discomfort from low temperature.
- If the temperature is too low, hermit crabs become less active. You will notice they are moving slowly and showing less interest in playing around. In cold temperatures, hermit crabs become more inactive and lethargic. But don’t be confused with molting.
- Hermit crab can try to leave the enclosure to find a warmer location. They act this way for many reasons like feeling uncomfortable or fear of something. Abandonment of the shell can be a sign of cold temperature.
Do hermit crabs like sunlight?
Hermit crabs are nocturnal, meaning they are more active at night. During the day they like to hide themselves. That’s why we can say hermit crabs do not like sunlight nor do they need direct sunlight.
But they can benefit from sunlight. A low level of UVB helps to synthesize vitamin D3 and helps to improve exoskeleton color and they will look more active. It can be replaced by a regular bulb. Remember though hermit crabs do not need sunlight, they need the regular cycle of day and night. (Do hermit crabs need a heat lamp at night)
What is too cold for a hermit crab
Hermit crabs come from tropical and subtropical regions, so they require relatively warm temperatures to thrive. Under 65°F (18°C) at night and 70°F (21°C) at day is considered to be too cold for a hermit crab.
Maintaining the right temperature is crucial for hermit crabs. Both overheating and underheating can pose serious health issues such as dehydration, heat issues, respiratory problems, lethargy, difficulty in molting, inactivity, Susceptibility to Infections, and even death. So remember to give enough time and monitor health conditions, especially during the molting period. Ensure that nothing is discomforting your crabs like parasites. Always consider researching the hermit crab species you have because different species may require slightly different temperatures and care.