Hermit crabs’ name indicates their socialized character which is totally opposite of the true. They are very social animals living a good life in a colony. Here you will know why hermit crabs are social and their characteristics.

Reproduce in sea
All of the terrestrial hermit crabs spend their whole life (95%) in the land but when it’s time to reproduce they find a female and go for mating in the sea which is necessary because they do not breed in the land. This mating process involves some social behavior from attracting females to getting ready for reproduction. (The reproduction process will not be seen in captivity).
Attracting the female
Hermit crabs attract females with some special dancing-like movements. The female also chooses the mate based on their strength and social hierarchy. If they succeed in finding a mate they go for reproduction.
Colonial system of hermit crabs
Hermit crabs live in colonies by grouping with other hermit crabs. Each colony contains 100 to 200 crabs. This is fit for most of the hermit crab species. The giant crabs like coconut crabs and giant red hermit crabs are seen in a few numbers.

Social hierarchy
There must be a leader in each colony. The leader is chosen for the body size and strength. A hermit crab with a larger, more desirable shell quality may have an advantage in the social hierarchy. The stronger one may prove hierarchy by fighting (climbing over the weak one, pushing pulling, etc) for resources such as food and shells.
Dealing with anemones
One of the interesting social behaviors is they deal with anemones for their advantage. Not the one that is kept as a pet (land hermit crabs) as the anemones are oceanic. They negotiate with the anemones. They place the anemones on them by finding the weak part of the shell. This symbiotic relationship with anemones gives them a scarier look, makes a protection system, and helps them hide from predators. The anemones agree with the dealing in exchange for a scrap of food and a free traveling medium.
Shell swapping behavior
As a hermit crab gets ready to occupy a shell when they are 25 to 30 days age, they start finding new shells for themselves. As they grow they need a new shell for the grown body. Every time they do not find the perfect shells, they also need a shell to survive. So they have to satisfy what they got.
In order to solve the problem occasionally they gather at the sea shore in a big group. If x crab finds the best shell for itself that y crab is wearing and y crab finds the perfect shell x crab is wearing, then they go for the dealing. Both leave the shell and go to the new one. This is like a tradition for hermit crabs proving their social behavior.

Fighting for shell
If a hermit crab realizes that the other one in front of him has a better shell he doesn’t hesitate to attack. He will try his best to occupy the shell if it leads to kill the crab. This kind of fight often results in a bad injury for both of them even leading to death. The smart crabs leave the shell without fighting if they realize the opponent is stronger.
Are hermit crabs social with humans?
Hermit crabs are considered smart creatures for several reasons.
Though hermit crabs do not have strong eyesight, they can recognize the owner by the owner’s presence, posture, and movements. They can be friend with humans if you fulfill their need for food and care. You can train a certain behavior by giving the promise of food, they can remember the trained behavior too.
You pick the crab by shell and place it on your hand after completing the friendship and you can expect the crab not to pinch. Don’t hold by their claw or leg, it may stress the crab. Overall hermit crabs can be a great friend for you or your children.
Do hermit crabs need a friend?
Yes, hermit crabs need a friend as they are social creatures. If you bring only one crab and force him to live alone you can’t expect the can survive for 10 to 15 years. A lonely hermit crab will eventually die within a year or six months. The best is to keep a minimum of two hermit crabs together male and female. The more you keep in one tank the more they will get the chance to socialize and live a happy life. [20-gallon tank for two hermit crabs, 5 gallons will be added for one crab after 20 gallons].
The males and females should be from the same species. Different species may not behave normally with each other. Species wise hermit crabs vary in their size. So mixing different species will not be a good idea. The same species with different sizes will not have any issues. You will see their playing behavior, shell swapping, and climbing on the other in their captive enclosure.

One hermit crab will adapt to loneliness for a time but will not survive for long
Are hermit crabs playful?
Hermit crabs are very playful for their climbing and curious instincts. If you have a hermit crab setup tank you will know they need climbing medium to climb and hiding places to hide and seek. Without climbing mediums like a rope ladder or coco fiber carpet, they will get bored and lethargic. They also need cholla wood-like materials to play at night as they are nocturnal. They become curious about new toys or anything and go for investigation.
Can hermit crabs be shy?
In a new environment, hermit crabs can be shy for the first few days to a week of adopting. They will eventually adapt to the new enclosure. If one crab is shy for a long time that may not be for shyness, there can be health issues. Also, some hermit crabs are naturally shy and some are bold like introverts and extroverts.